Come on Matt… Not again, with some big old long post about how we should be spending more time doing things we love, more time with family and friends, etc. etc..

Nope. Not this time. No, today is about something a bit different. But before I tell you what it is, I’d like you to pull out your to-do list..

Go ahead, I’ll wait…

No really do it.

Got it? Good.

How many of those to-do’s did you check off the list today?

Now pull up your list of goals you read this morning.  You DID read them today, right?

Good, now go over those.

Look at that list. How many things that you checked off your to-do list will actually get you closer to your goals?

How many of those to-do’s do you enjoy?

How many things on that to-do list make you cringe? (like cleaning…)

Well, this brings us to today’s lesson: to remember that a “life well spent isn’t always maximizing doing thing you love, but minimizing doing things you hate.”

So let’s be honest, outside of a select few (very, very few), everyone hates cleaning!

You work hard on your business, career or trade and things you love. Use your time to work toward your goals and trade your dollars for a life well spent!

To your happiness,