Let me start by saying what we are NOT, then we’ll go over why we’ve chosen to be this way, so you can make an informed choice that will best suit your unique situation. ***There will be exceptions to all of these rules below. And if you can find them, great! But see the word, exception.***

With us, you’ll know what you’re going to get.

We are NOT a franchise (nor will we ever be.)

We are NOT a publicly traded company

We are NOT a multi-city company.

We are NOT a cheap or “best deal in town” company.

Okay, so that’s great and everything, but why?

Not a Franchise:

These can be good, but with it will largely come down to the individual franchisee. Their systems and training can be helpful, (which we also have), however they don’t have the same flexibility that someone like us would have. They’re held accountable to their franchisor (what’s important to their franchisors and what’s important to you may not always be the same thing). With us, we’re held accountable by ourselves and you. Plus, we all know what people pay for when they  buy a franchise, the name. Which means the franchisees have less to invest into their people, take risks to innovate or learn from your company and others. (See previous point about lack of flexibility, they look to their franchisor for training, we look to ourselves, coaches, clients and competitors.)

Not a Public company:

Goal #1 of a public company to ensure the great returns for the shareholders. (I.E., lower pay and benefits for employees and again what’s best for shareholders, may not be what’s best for you…), plus a lack of empathy or flexibility for your situation. After all, if a company has gone public, they’re a huge company, so unless you have like 100+ locations throughout the country, your business probably doesn’t matter all that much to them. If the company loses a few accounts, who cares, they can always just raise more money from investors, or get more accounts by just advertising more (without having to fix what caused the issue in the first place. Or even care to find out why you left, so they can improve.)

Not a Multi-city company:

From everything I’ve read, the #1 problem that companies have when expanding into other cities, is the reduction in quality. We’ve chosen to stay dedicated only to the Kansas City area and add other services that you’ll need to make up for the lost potential of expanding to other cities. (Also, this keeps us accountable to you, ensuring we maintain our great cleaning and stellar communication.) Plus we’ll be able to serve you on a deeper level!

We’re not Cheap:

You get what you pay for. We’ve talked at length about our pricing system and why we’re the way we are and what your money goes too.

We are your cleaning company and handle all of your cleaning needs.

(Depending on when you’re reading this, we will be your one stop shop for all your cleaning, errand and maintenance needs, from floor to ceiling.) We constantly strive to consistently bring you the best cleaning experience, while being as simple and convenient as possible, for you.

Ready to experience the Royal Treatment?

